Desiree experienced multiple traumatic events in her early life that resulted in chronic issues of disconnection. At age 7, an accident crushed her front teeth, and she went through the following seven years with shame and an increasing fear of speaking. 

At age 13, she barely survived a serious car accident where she lost her idol and older sister, Danielle Gian Bybee. The loss, too much to face, kept her in the dark, incapable and ignorant of healthy human relationships, including with her own family, for the following two decades.  

After years of denying the possibility, around the age of 25, she developed symptoms of a debilitating, mysterious, inherited illness that doctors and her mother called fibromyalgia. She refused the life sentence and fought it.

Frustrated with the inadequate allopathic medicine systems, she was led down an arduous personal healing quest through medical intuitives, mystics, and other healers who could see through to the root of her issues and offered the tools and wisdom she needed.

Learning from mentors was helpful in the moments they shared, but real progress showed up in practice, over time, with a daily, unrelenting intention to heal. She radically transformed her wounds into her fuel for strength and now guides others to do the same.

After years as an apprentice in several Peruvian shamanic lineages, her life partner had a vision that led them to build an intentional community in Atlanta, Georgia, where they held monthly group and individual healing ceremonies for several years. She often found that participants’ ailments truly required a focus on their daily practice so she has since put more focus on the importance of preparation and integration. 

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