Recent clinical studies consistently highlight the crucial role of good sleep in maintaining our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In fact, among all the self-care practices, prioritizing good sleep is arguably the most vital. Below are some simple yet profound recommendations to help improve your sleep quality:
Expose your eyes to direct sunlight for 2-10 minutes at the following times:
Before 9:00 a.m. or when the sun is low on the horizon.
Around 3:00 or 4:00 p.m.
At sunset.
Avoid all bright lights and device screens for at least two hours before bedtime. This applies not only to blue lights but to all bright lights. Whenever possible, lower the lighting in your home and place lamps at lower heights, as our eyes are more sensitive to light from above.
Make your bedroom as dark as possible. If not possible, consider wearing an eye mask.
Ensure your bedroom is as quiet as possible. If not possible, use earplugs.
Keep your bedroom cool, with an ideal temperature of around 63°F.
Place a folded blanket under your feet.
Avoid consuming caffeine after 6:00 p.m.
If you enjoy reading before bed, opt for materials that are not overly stimulating or mentally activating. Fiction or light-hearted content is usually the best choice.
Consider listening to a binaural beat meditation or hypnosis recording as you lie in bed before sleep. This can be a wonderful way to prepare your mind and body for rejuvenation and growth.